11-12 February/Conference Redesign/BME/Hungary

On 27th January there is the check in deadline to partecipate to the International Conference on Architecture entitled "Redesign" at the Technical University of Budapest - Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem (BME).

The conference will cover the topic of natural disasters in various parts of the world, the  technical , economic and social circumstances in which they occurred and investigates the architectural solutions, given in response to these events.
The international conference organized by the Kós Károly Foundation is in relation to the exhibition ÚJRATERVEZÉS/REDESIGN. 

The exhibition on it’s path through different cities in Hungary has been visitied by more than 10 000 people. It is an unprecedented initiative in Hungary and on international level. The conference gives architectural responses to disaster due to human fault and acts of God, and investigates their social, economic, and technical  context.     

Date: 11 February 2012, from 9.00 to 17.30 - BME, building "K", Auditorium - Conference
         12 February 2012, from 8:00 to 15:00 - Devecser - Guided tour of the new housing areas and            reconstructed (study trip by bus)

It is possible to book separately for both days or either of them.

more info:
The registration forms, more detailed informations and pictures of the panels are available on website  www.ujratervezes2011.hu 
For any other information, we are available to this email address

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